PRO+ Premium Content/Explore what's in store with Linux, Automation & DevOps

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May 05, 2021

Red Hat Enterprise Linux automation & management

Automation is key for IT optimization and digital transformation initiatives. Modern, dynamic environments can scale faster when IT processes are automated, reducing the number of manual tasks and creating consistent and repeatable system configurations to reduce technical burdens and enable streamlined administration. Our customers tell us they need a more comprehensive strategy for deploying and administering a system at scale, and that is what Red Hat® Enterprise Linux® delivers. Red Hat Enterprise Linux provides consistent controls across bare-metal, virtual, hybrid cloud, and edge environments to ensure the administrative experience is the same, no matter where it is deployed. Automation and streamlined management capabilities are built-into the operating system to help you avoid ongoing maintenance and operations that can become disruptive, labor-intensive, and expensive. Automate manual tasks, standardize deployment at scale, and simplify day-to-day administration With Red Hat Enterprise Linux automation and management ...

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