CA's Workload Automation incorporates Cybermation ESP job scheduler

CA has released Workload Automation, job scheduling software that helps IT managers schedule and automate workloads across mainframe, Unix and x86 platforms.

CA Inc. today introduced software that helps IT managers perform job scheduling for mainframe, Unix and x86 platforms. Much of the software is the fruit of CA's acquisition of job scheduling software company Cybermation Inc. last year.

More on job scheduling software:
CA aquires workload automation solutions provider Cybermation

UPS drives down costs with job scheduling
CA's main addition to the job scheduling software is its Workload Control Center, which provides a single Web interface for IT managers to schedule jobs across all different server platforms.

"People might not be familiar with the different [server] architectures," said Richard Ptak, analyst with research firm Ptak, Noel & Associates. "The command line interfaces and instructions on how to do them may have a different format, and what they're doing is buffering you from the implementation differences. It gives more flexibility in existing resources, and you don't have to do additional training."

Other features of the release include:

  • AutoSys r11, an upgrade to CA's Workload Automation software for distributed environments.
  • ESP 5.5, which came from the Cybermation ESP software, and CA's own CA-7 r11, to manage and automate mainframe workloads. The United Parcel Service, for example, is using Cybermation ESP and plans to upgrade to CA's version.
  • dSeries, from Cybermation, to automate workloads for smaller distributed environments.

The updated version of AutoSys will be available by early next month; everything else is available today. Pricing varies, though CA said the typical starting price for a company running Workload Automation on a distributed platform would be around $25,000. The software for z/OS on the mainframe would be much costlier, starting out under $100,000 but reaching into the millions of dollars.

Jim Anderson, CA's product management director, said the software release also includes better reporting that, along with the job scheduling, helps IT managers connect what they're doing to business processes.

"More and more requests have started to come in from customers to do unplanned management of work," Anderson said. "This comes from the concept of real-time business and real-time computing. There's no clock on when things need to get run or need to get done."

"They're making the overall workload automation process more functional and easier to relate to business needs," Ptak added. "It's been a longtime promise of IT in general that they can provide uniform access to data to get jobs done more easily and more efficiently."

Let us know what you think about the story; e-mail: Mark Fontecchio, News Writer.

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